Proficiency Data

Proficient Reading


Proficient Math


Distinguished Reading


Distinguished Math


As a district, Anderson County Schools ranked #33 out of 172 districts in the state. This ranking places us in the top 19% of all Kentucky school districts.

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Anderson County Schools

Who May Attend?


The program is available for FREE to 3 and 4 year old children exhibiting a state-recognized disability or delay and also for 4 year old children (4 by Aug. 1st) whose household income is at or below 160% of the federal poverty level.  A tuition program is also available for ALL 4 year old children (4 by Aug. 1st) for $200 per month.  


What Is a Developmental Delay?

We give preschool children a short test called a screening to see if they are behind in any area of speech, language, motor, cognitive, self-help skills or behavior. A very mild delay in any of these areas may make your child eligible for free preschool.

How Will My Child Get to Preschool?

Free transportation is provided through the school bus system.

What Will My Child Do at Preschool?

Our preschool program is developmentally appropriate. This means the children are provided with a rich environment of materials and activities. The curriculum is a balance of structured activities and activities of the child's choice. Children also listen to stories, play outside, and go on interesting and fun field trips.  Also, please see the preschool curriculum page.

Why is it Important for My Child to Go to Preschool?

Research shows that children who attend good preschools are much more successful in school and in life. They are less likely to drop out or get in trouble as teenagers. A good preschool sets the stage for a better experience all through school.

Where Is Preschool Located?

Preschool classes are held at the Early Childhood Center. At ECC both morning and afternoon sessions are available. Preschool classes last 3 hours each day. The morning session eats breakfast and the afternoon session eats lunch at school. Preschool classes are held four days (Monday-Thursday) each week. Fridays are used for parent/teacher meetings, teacher planning, and home visits.

What Meals are Available?

Children are provided with a well-balanced meal every day, either breakfast (for a.m. students) or lunch (for p.m. students). We feel that mealtime is also a time for learning. Parents are welcome to have meals with their children. A menu is posted on parent bulletin boards, sent home with the students, and printed in the Anderson News. Lunch prices and menus.

Why Does Preschool Include Home Visits? What Happens at a Home Visit?

Preschool teachers are required to make at least two home visits to each child in their class. On home visits, the teacher gets to meet and see the child in the home environment. Teachers can discuss the child and the preschool program with the parents. More importantly the children see the teacher come into their homes. The children are able to meet each teacher and talk to her in their own homes where they feel safe and comfortable. This helps the children to know that they are important and school is important. Parent involvement is an essential component of the preschool program. Teachers want to develop a good relationship with each parent as well as with each child.

What if I Work?

Anderson County Schools has a daycare center located at Emma B Ward which your child can attend before and/or after preschool. For more information call the ECC Daycare Director at 839-2524. We can also transport your child to a baby-sitter or daycare in the community.

What are the School's Health Regulations?

All students should be up to date on immunizations and are to have Physical Examination forms and Immunization forms on file at the school. These forms must be signed by a physician or Health Department staff member. To maintain a healthy preschool environment, the staff requires that children who are sick stay at home. Children are sick if they have a fever of 100 degrees or more, are vomiting, have diarrhea, unidentified rashes or other illnesses which can be transmitted to the other children in the classroom. If children become sick at school, parents will be notified immediately so arrangements may be made to seek appropriate care. In case of a medical emergency of any kind involving the administration of first aid of any kind, the building principal and parents shall be notified so that further decisions can be made.

What Other Forms are Required?

Prior to admission, each child must have on file with the school a Registration form, School Lunch form, certified copy of his/her birth certificate, recent physical, current immunizations, and a copy of his/her Social Security card. Children will be required to have an eye examination completed.

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Anderson County Schools    1160 Bypass North    Lawrenceburg, KY 40342    502-839-3406
© Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Equal Opportunity
The Anderson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Anderson County Title IX Coordinator, Travis Harley. He may be contacted at the district office, located at 1160 Bypass N. Lawrenceburg, KY 40342; by phone at 502-839-3406 or by email at [email protected]