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 Graham Fletcher Progression Videos 

          Early Number and Counting

Kindergarten Home Math Activities:

It doesn't take a lot of supplies or special games to practice math.  The following activities can happen nearly anywhere and take little or no supplies.  A great place to start is by counting.   Children need to know their numbers forward and backwards--literally!

Count Together:  Count with your child.  At times, you may want to hold up the matching number of fingers or count objects such as cereal pieces.  You can also point out the numbers on a calendar to help with numeral recognition.  As your child's skills progress try starting at unusual numbers , perhaps 12, 28, or 63.  Count Backwards too!

Blast Off:  Count backwards, starting at any number and concluding with 3, 2, 1, Blast-off!  If desired, your child can pretend to be a rocket ship and jump into the air at blast off.

Partner Counting:  Take turns counting so that each person says one number. or each person counts several numbers in a row and indicate whose turn it is by pointing or passing an object.

Catch the counter:  One person is the counter.  The counter will count (forward or backwards, starting at any number) and will intentionally make a mistake.  The listener should shout out when they hear a mistake.

What comes next:  Ask your child, "What comes after 4?  What comes after ____?"  Choose numbers in the range they are comfortable counting.  Similarly, ask your child, "What number comes before ___?" questions.

Guess My Number:  Give your child clues such as " My number is bigger than 5....smaller than 9.......One more than 6..."  Continue to give more information as you child makes guesses. Or, you can respond to their guesses by saying my number is bigger/smaller/greater/less.

Look for Numbers:  This one is great for when you are on the move--Encourage your child to look for numbers.  House numbers, signs, calendars, clocks, license plates are all good sources of numbers.

Estimating:  Help your child make estimates about the quantities around them.  For example, they can estimate, and then count, how many crackers or cookies come in a snack bag, number of apple slices are on their plate, the number of crayons in the box, etc.

More or Less--Bigger or Smaller:  Ask your child comparison questions such as "Which is bigger--a cat or a horse?"

Finger Patterns(Bunny Ears Game)
Materials:  none
Number of Players:  any
Procedure:  The child should hold his hands above his head (like bunny ears or antlers) when creating the finger patterns requested.  He should be confident with each stage before moving on.
Stage One:  Show me 1 to 5.  Ask the child to show 1 thru 5 on one hand by saying "Show me _____".  If needed, the child may look at their hand before creating bunny ears.  Once the student is competent with showing finger patterns without looking (Bunny Ears) say "Show me 1.  How many are up?  How many are down?  How many altogether?  Do this randomly with all combinations 0-5.  Once the child is competent with this ask the following questions to develop the idea of partitioning numbers. "How many altogether?  How many up?  How many down?"  Do not move onto Stage 2 until the child can create the pattern without looking.
Stage Two:  Show me 6 to 10.  First say "Show me 5".  When one hand is showing 5 say "Now make it {6 thru 10}"--They can do this first with fingers seen, then as bunny ears.  If the students need more assistance with this activity, you could have the student start with showing 5 on one hand.  Have them add a finger.  Ask them to tell you how many fingers they have up.  Develop similarly for 7-10.  Once the student is competent with showing finger patterns using two hands without looking (Bunny Ears) say "Show me 6.  How many are up? How many are down?  How many altogether?  Do this randomly with all combinations of 0-10.  
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Anderson County Schools    1160 Bypass North    Lawrenceburg, KY 40342    502-839-3406
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The Anderson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Anderson County Title IX Coordinator, Travis Harley. He may be contacted at the district office, located at 1160 Bypass N. Lawrenceburg, KY 40342; by phone at 502-839-3406 or by email at [email protected]