Proficiency Data

Proficient Reading


Proficient Math


Distinguished Reading


Distinguished Math


As a district, Anderson County Schools ranked #33 out of 172 districts in the state. This ranking places us in the top 19% of all Kentucky school districts.

Open House Data

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Anderson County Schools

Preschool Enrollment Information

Preschool programs are available to 4-year-old children who are "at risk" with a household income at or below 160% of the Federal Poverty Level. There is a form to be filled out to determine eligibility. Preschool also is available for 3- and 4-year-old children with disabilities.

Every child shall be screened prior to enrolling in Anderson County School’s Preschool Program.

Enrollment of a child in the preschool program is at the discretion of the parent or legal guardian.

Prior to Entering Preschool, Every child shall have on file the following items:

  • Completed Enrollment Packet
  • State issued Birth Certificate
  • Social Security card (requested)
  • Current Kentucky Certificate of Immunization
  • Physical Exam as proof of a preventative health care examination conducted within six months prior to initial entry into school
  • Proof of an eye examination dated no later than January 1

(*copies can be made at the school or the Board of Education*)

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Anderson County Schools    1160 Bypass North    Lawrenceburg, KY 40342    502-839-3406
© Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Equal Opportunity
The Anderson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Anderson County Title IX Coordinator, Travis Harley. He may be contacted at the district office, located at 1160 Bypass N. Lawrenceburg, KY 40342; by phone at 502-839-3406 or by email at [email protected]