Proficiency Data

Proficient Reading


Proficient Math


Distinguished Reading


Distinguished Math


As a district, Anderson County Schools ranked #33 out of 172 districts in the state. This ranking places us in the top 19% of all Kentucky school districts.

Open House Data

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Anderson County Schools

Lauren Wainscott

Hi everyone! My name is Lauren Wainscott and I will be your students Life Skills and/or Parenting teacher this year. To tell you about myself, I am a 2016 graduate of Anderson County High School and attended all 12 years of school in the Anderson County Schools system. After graduating high school, I attended Kentucky State University where I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Child Development in 2020. I am now attending Eastern Kentucky University to obtain my Masters degree in Teaching. I am deeply passionate about Family and Consumer Science and Career and Technical Education and the opportunities and skills it provides to our students- skills to last a lifetime! 

To the right you will find links to each of my Google classroom pages. In each Google classroom there are many important documents, assignments, and daily information. Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns!

The Family and Consumer Sciences Department at ACHS also offers the opportunity to become involved in FCCLA. (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) This is an excellent nationally recognized, student led organization, which focuses on the family as the core unit of society and encourages participation in community service and leadership development opportunities. Students are given opportunities to receive regional, state, and national recognition for completion of competitive events and projects, and through running for offices within the organization. 

To the right of the page you will also see two texts that are hyperlinked if you are interested in joining or having your student join. Clicking on the KY FCCLA emblem will direct you to the Google form to join the club. Clicking on the bottom FCCLA logo will direct you to the Google form to fill out to apply to be an officer in the club. Dues are $15 and can be paid in rooms 126, 128, or 211. 


Life Skills

FCCLA Membership Form

FCCLA Officer Application

high school
middle school
phoenix academy
emma b ward elementary
robert turner elementary
saffell street elementary
early childhood cneter
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Anderson County Schools    1160 Bypass North    Lawrenceburg, KY 40342    502-839-3406
© Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Equal Opportunity
The Anderson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Anderson County Title IX Coordinator, Travis Harley. He may be contacted at the district office, located at 1160 Bypass N. Lawrenceburg, KY 40342; by phone at 502-839-3406 or by email at [email protected]