To the right of this page you will find a link to the syllabus for your class, common expectations for all math classes, calculator expectations and math resources. Each of you have been pre-loaded into our google classroom. This will be our main source of communication. I will post any assignment and all information here. Please make sure you can access our room.
I would also love for each student and parent to join the appropriate Remind 101 classroom. I will use remind as a means of communication as well. To join, please text the @code below to 81010. Each class has a separate code. Please pay close attention and join your class.
1st: text @1preapalg to 81010
2nd: text @mathisfun to 81010
3rd: text @ihartmath to 81010
4th: text @ihartmath4 to 81010
5th: text @ihartmath5 to 81010